Cap Wine Cookies, named « our web site »

When you browse our website, cookies are placed on your computer, mobile or tablet to improve your use of the site and increase its performance. Learn how cookies and current tools work to set them up.

Understand cookies 

  • What are cookies ?

    Cookies are small files created during your visit to a website.

    What are they for ? On our website, they keep your information and can identify you and offer you offers tailored to your profile to better understand you and improve your user experience.

  • What are the types of cookies on our website? When you use our website, cookies are placed on your computer, mobile or tablet for the purposes of navigation, optimization and customization of the services offered to you. Our website does not collect user-specific information.

  • strictly necessary cookies

Necessary for your navigation and the proper functioning of the site, these cookies allow you a free and fluid navigation on the platform. Disabling them may prevent or interfere with the normal operation of our website.

  • performance cookies                                        These are cookies that specialize in collecting information. They are used to better understand your user behavior for purposes of analysis, improvement and optimization of the performance of our website. The information collected by these cookies is not personal.
  • functional cookies

These cookies allow you to remember your choices and preferences in order to offer personalized navigation, provide you with relevant content and thus improve your comfort of use.

  • third-party cookies

Third-party cookies are cookies deposited by third-party companies and hosted by the interface. In the case of our website, this may be data retrieved by the Group’s partners. They are used for marketing purposes, presentation, targeted and personalized advertising. This website does not control the information retrieved by third parties because they act for their own brand.

How to delete cookies?

Do you want to disable cookies? You may at any time choose to disable these cookies or be informed whenever our website deposits cookies on your computer. You can accept or decline cookies on a case-by-case basis. If your browser is programmed to refuse cookies, we remind you that you will not have access to the full functionality of our website.


Comment supprimer les cookies ?

Vous souhaitez désactiver les cookies ?

Vous pouvez à tout moment choisir de désactiver ces cookies ou bien être informé à chaque fois que notre site internet dépose des cookies sur votre ordinateur. Vous pouvez accepter ou refuser les cookies au cas par cas.

Si votre navigateur est programmé pour refuser les cookies, nous vous rappelons que vous n’aurez pas accès à l’intégralité des fonctionnalités de notre site internet.